All About Me!
My name is Allison Sumerel. I graduated from Dorman High School, Go Cavs! I then attended Lander University where I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education. I then obtained my Master's Degree from Converse College. I most recently earned my Master's +30 from USC Upstate. This is my eighteenth year of teaching. I began my teaching career at Lone Oak Elementary, where I taught for four years. I have been at PGS for the past fourteen years. I am married to Brad Sumerel, and we have two sweet daughters. Ellie is a sixth grader at Gable and Emory is in first grade at PGS. We enjoy everything Clemson and spending time with our dog, Winston, and cat, Charlie Anderson.
I love my students and look forward to coming to school every day. Please remember to check our Newsletter every Monday evening. Also, please read every night! Friday Folders come home each Friday with your child's weekly progress. Thank you for all that you do to help make your child's education successful!