About Me!
Welcome to Mrs. Cranford's 1st Grade Class!

I am a graduate of Chapman High. I then went to Winthrop College where I majored in Early Childhood Education and received my Bachelor of Science degree in Education. After I started teaching I enrolled in Converse College and from there I received my Master's of Education. I then married Anthony Cranford and we now have two girls, Sarah Catherine and Hannah. I have been teaching first grade at Pauline-Glenn Springs since August 1990. I love teaching and I especially love first graders. They are energetic and always busy; keeping me on my toes. I also enjoy spending time with my family, reading, vacationing (especially at the beach), and hanging out with my friends. I am blessed to be at such a wonderful school surrounded by great children, parents who are supportive, and marvelous teachers. PGS is a school of leaders and I am honored to be a part of it.